Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Is My Home Worth?

Thinking About Selling your Home?  Wondering what your home is worth?  Click the link below to get all your answers now.


In Today's Market pricing your home correctly the FIRST time is the most important thing you can do to sell your home FAST!  The toughest thing to remember is that it doesn't matter what your neighbor sold their home for or the improvements you have or have not made to your home.  Selling your home means that you have found the buyer willing to buy your home.  So how do you find that buyer?

You have to get your home in front of that perfect buyer.  This means getting it advertised on every website there is! 

Buyers find the home they purchase primarily by looking on the Internet and by asking real estate agents.
An excellent agent with a terrific Internet marketing program is your best path to a sale. Did you know... 90% of all Buyers find their new home on the internet?  WOW!!!!!

                   From National Association of Realtors, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 2009

Get a head start on Selling your Home...Call me or click the link above to find out what your home is worth in today's market!