Thursday, April 21, 2016

Horse Show In Tallahassee This Weekend

If you enjoy The Red Hills Horse Trials, you should really check this out.  Admission is free to be a spectator. Watch as local equestrian riders compete in Dressage and Stadium Jumping at The Farm in Tallahassee (across Meridian Rd. from Maclay School).

Southwind Dressage And Eventing Association, or SWDEA, hosts several horse shows around the area throughout the year for local and regional equestrian enthusiasts. The schedule for this year is as follows:

April 23rd - SWDEA Show at The Farm
May 14th - Gray Lily Farm Spring Event*
June 4th - Mahan Farm Spring Into Summer Event*
September 17th - SWDEA Show at Little's Crossing
October 1st - Mahan Farm  Beat the Heat Event*
October 22nd - Gray Lily Farm Fall Show*
November 12th - SWDEA Championship Show at Mahan Farm

SWDEA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the promotion of activities related to equestrian sport and welcome donations at SWDEA is a great organization that is committed to fair competition, education and expanding the sport within the southeast region.

Volunteers are always welcome and experience is optional. Sign up at

And as always, The Tallahassee Real Estate Team @ Keller Williams  is here for all of your Real Estate Needs.
(850) 792-4140

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Home-Buying Process

We are often asked, "What is the first step, when starting the process of buying a home"? Our answer is always "have a Real Estate professional educate you about the process".  Not just on the first step, but the entire process. When working with our customers in the Tallahassee Real Estate market, our first step is always a private, face-to-face meeting to educate the customer about the process of buying a home. 

Step 2. Choose 1 (one) Real Estate Agent to help find a home. This is very important because the agent must become familiar with needs and wants as a buyer, saving time and money. The buyer must establish a good working relationship with this agent, helping them become familiar with their family. Buyers should share  their favorite activities and hobbies, what school zones they prefer for children or favorite neighborhoods and communities that they frequently visit. The more information that a buyer can give their Real Estate Agent, the easier it will be for them to find the perfect home to fit all of their wants and needs. If the buyer finds that they are not comfortable with their agent,  they should find a different agent that will fit the needs of their family. This is likely the biggest investment of their life, they should make sure that they have a good relationship with the person helping them through the process.

The third step in preparing to buy a home is to obtain mortgage approval from a local lending institution. This is a very important step in preparation for the home buying process because it provides a "Road Map" for a home search. A lender approval also allows you to take immediate action when the perfect home is found without guessing whether or not you will be approved. In the fast-paced Tallahassee Real Estate market, often homes are being sold on the first day listed. If a buyer does not have lender approval before starting the search, they will likely miss the opportunity to be one of the first to make an offer. This could potentially cause a stressful situation for the buyer and the buyer's family by constantly missing out on their dream home.

On step four, the Real Estate agent will research the market to find a group of potential homes to view. Then it is time to view the properties that the buyer requests to see. With the information gathered by the Real Estate agent from the home buyer, these homes should be exactly what the home buyer is looking for. If the properties that the buyer is being shown do not meet the criteria that was discussed in the beginning of the process, another conversation about the buyer's needs and wants, as well as adjustments to the search criteria, may be necessary. The Real Estate agent will then accompany the buyer(s) to several different listings until the buyer finds the perfect home.

 Search For Homes in the Tallahassee Area

The buyer then decides to make an offer on the home of their dreams. The Real Estate agent will write up the required contract, taking into consideration, the terms specified by the buyer and their lender. The Real Estate agent will also negotiate, on the buyers behalf, any counter-offers given by the seller. Once the terms are agreed upon by both parties and the contract is signed, the buyer's contingency period begins.

The contingency period in a contract, is a due-diligence period for the buyer. A buyer is allotted a certain period of time (as specified in the contract) to make application with their lender and order an appraisal (upon payment to most lending institutions). This period of time is also for the buyer to have all inspections performed on the property. Buyers should know that payment for inspections will be due at time of service. Once the inspections are completed, the buyer then has the option of backing out or moving forward with the purchase. Only within the contingency period, is the buyer's deposit protected, (unless the contract states otherwise) should they decide not to go forward with the purchase. Although, there are other circumstances after the contingency period where the seller does not hold up their end of the contract that will allow for the buyer to cancel and receive their deposit. This can include a breach of contract or a below sales price appraisal. The contract should clearly state the items in which a buyer's deposit is protected.

After the contingency period is expired, all of the "behind the scenes" work begins. During this time, the buyer's file is sent to underwriting by their lender and the closing agent will prepare closing documents and search for any title defects or liens on the property. This is also a time when any repairs on the property, that have been negotiated, will be performed as well as a survey of the boundaries and an appraisal. 

After all parties are satisfied and the underwriter approves the loan, the buyer is then issued a "clear to close".  The buyer must receive a closing statement from their lender at least three (3) days prior to closing and up to seven (7) days prior, depending on the circumstances.

Next up is closing day! With Tallahassee Real Estate, the buyer takes possession of the home at the closing table (This can differ, depending on where the property is located elsewhere in the US). The buyer and seller sign all required documents and provide a valid I.D to the closing agent. The buyer also has payment for any closing costs in the form of a cashiers check from their bank, made payable to the company that is performing the closing. Copies of all signed documents will be made for both parties and keys are exchanged. All that is left for the buyer is to move in their new home. 

Click here to start your home buying process

Mary Baggett (850) 524-2777 Jeff Baggett (850) 524-2778